What we did
- Content Strategy
- Ecommerce
- Information Architecture
- Open Source
- Search Engine Optimization

Many Moving Parts
We began by installing Silverstripe as DynaVap’s CMS, then added many other moving parts to provide the functionality the company needs. When customers make a purchase through DynaVap’s site, the transaction is facilitated through an enterprise ecommerce processing platform. The transaction data also flows to the company’s customer relationship management system (CRM) so that the customer can be retargeted. Additionally, the transaction-related info makes its way to DynaVap’s enterprise resource planning platform (ERP), which pushes orders to the order fulfillment system and allows the company to plan factors such as how much inventory to order. There is also an affiliate marketing piece involved that allows individuals and organizations to promote DynaVap’s products by offering unique coupon codes. All of these moving parts work together to make up a seamless system designed to support the company’s success.

An Intense Process
Setting everything up to function properly was a major undertaking. In addition to establishing each individual component and ensuring that they all communicated properly with each other, there was also a great deal of information to transfer. We meticulously migrated more than 250,000 user, order, and order detail records over to the new system, as well as a 200-piece product catalog. We also merged duplicate user accounts between the old and new systems, reducing data overhead. Once this was complete, however, the result was a customized framework that runs smoothly.
Adding the Bells and Whistles
In addition to the basic, backend framework, we also added some bells and whistles to give it flair. We set up a blog on the site so that DynaVap could share updates and helpful tips. We also created a Where to Buy section, which includes both a list of online retailers that carry the company’s products and an interactive map of physical retailers that do so. Additionally, we established a KarmaMap. With many orders, DynaVap would send out a free KarmaVap for the customer to share with a friend. Customers who had received a KarmaVap could add their location to the KarmaMap to further spread the positivity.
Massive Payoff
The payoff on this investment of time and effort has been massive. The updates to the site have resulted in tens of thousands of orders, as well as millions of dollars of revenue. Additionally, DynaVap is now able to run the site internally with ease. These kinds of results serve as a worthy ROI for the involved work that was done.

Complexity Vaporized
An innovative company like DynaVap requires a unique online solution capable of supporting its complex ecommerce process. By carefully examining DynaVap’s needs, we were able to build a powerful digital framework, integrating a variety of tools to achieve advanced functionality. The end result? A customized ecommerce website that functions seamlessly and is easy to manage, therefore vaporizing complexity.
DynaVap creates and distributes a variety of sophisticated, battery and smoke-free vaporizers for the true enthusiast. Its complex ecommerce process necessitates a customized website with the robust functionality required to support it. By integrating a variety of tools to create a solid framework, we designed a solution that is easy to use and vaporizes the complexity!